Project Description
Robotic system for underwater fish farming net hole detection. NOTION project deals with one of the main challenges the aquaculture industry is facing today: escapes from fish cages. To avoid or limit the impacts of such events a ROV mounted subsystem is proposed and designed. This subsystem can detect the damaged nets rapidly before escapes can occur. The tool's core system is advanced image processing algorithms for the automated detection of damaged net (holes). The use of smaller ROVs is growing in the aquaculture industry and this project proposes state-of-the art technology so as to eliminate human errors. So there are two main technological challenges that need to be addressed (unmanned robotic systems and image processing). The two SMEs are experts in their sectors West Sea expert in image processing and deep learning algorithms and MDC expert in the fields of diving (technical/military and amateur) and underwater robotics. So we believe that in NOTION project the Knowledge Transfer for the completion of the service-product is imperative.

West Sea Project PC - Greece
Sending Partner

Marine Distribution & Consulting (MDC) SASU – France