Project Description
All ships in operation are obliged to have periodic ship inspections in every 2.5 and 5 years in order be in line with safety requirements. Invar (INV) has 31 years of experience in ship inspections. INV has a rich data base of more than 400 ships inspected that can be used for the purposes of the ship maintenance prediction. Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Sarajevo (ETF) is institution with a proved experience in transfer of knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data. ETF has experience in expert consulting for SMEs supporting digital transformation by applying the novel technology in their processes. In this KTE INV will send staff to ETF which has an expertise in the field of big data and AI. ETF will transfer a knowledge to INV about the application of an AI on the big
data for the purposes of creating the smart data for the ship maintenance prediction that will be offered as a new product to ship owners for the ship maintenance prediction.
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