(VUA) Validation of Ukraine Antenna technoloy
Project Description
Scientists from VNTU have developed a small flexible NB IoT/ LTEm1 antenna. This antenna can be implemented in wearable devices. But, the problem is that in the global (and European) market different countries use different LTE frequency bands. Thus, a wearable device with flexible antenna developed for country A cannot be used in other countries
because it may not operate there due to different frequency bands. For that purpose, the designed VNTU flexible antenna can be readjusted for other frequency LTE band. Predicting parameters and characteristics of the readjusted flexible antenna by using Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, namely fuzzy logic, neural networks, and genetic algorithms. To substantiate the predicted by AI parameters and characteristics of the readjusted flexible antenna developed in UA, we need to test it in Western Europe. Montr B.V. can provide the scientist from VNTU with required equipment and market access and integration in product demonstrators.
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